How Poetry Changed My Life for the Better

I started writing poetry on a regular basis at 14 years old. I started writing about love – mostly about food and my long-distance relationship. From then on, poetry followed me wherever I went. But maybe it was I who followed the poetry? Poetry was there for me through breakups, high school, tragedy, and family […]

How Stained Glass Can Inspire Your Writing

Okay, I may have used a misleading title. It should read: How My Memories of Stained Glass Classes Inspired My Writing Practices Today and What You Can Learn From the Resulting Metaphor. I was involved in a lot as a kid. Like, A LOT. Ballet, jazz, tap, Irish step dancing, Girl Scouts, swimming, horse back […]

Being a Writer in Today’s World

I recently read an article on E.B White’s perspective on the role of a writer and it really resonated with me, especially considering the current state of the world. White believes that the writer should be the world’s secretary without becoming angry or losing faith in the world. White’s words echo in my heart: “A writer must […]

How I Organize My #Amwriting Life (FREE Template Included!)

I was originally going to title this post “How to Organize Your #Amwriting Life” but honestly I don’t want to tell anyone what to do in their own writing process. So, I am going to share how I organize my writing life with the hope that you can find even a single gem that might […]

A Poem Published, a Reflection

You may have already seen the posts on my various social media outlets, but my poem “Filial Prodigal” has been published through the Christian online magazine ALTARWORK. Now, there’s something surprising about the previous sentence; at least, it was surprising to me. I never thought I would be a published Christian writer. Only a few […]