It’s #NationalBookLoversDay! A Celebration of Favorite Books

The stars aligned, the planets aligned, and everything was in place for my Etsy purchase to be delivered on National Book Lovers Day. I was so excited, I had to blog about it!

My new bracelet was made by the Etsy shop Uniqueables by kryslo. I can now wear my favorite books on my wrist! My book lover’s heart is at ease. Now, every time I look at my wrist, I remember why these books are my favorites:

Cress by Marissa Meyer – A Rapunzel retelling set in space.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling – This book and its video game counterpart helped me through some of the most troubling times of my life.

Primavera by Francesca Lia Block – A retelling of the Persephone myth, weaved with magical realism.

The Treekeepers by Susan McGee Britton – An orphan/Chosen One saving the land from an evil tyrant with the help of a kitten, a chimera, and her friends. One of my favorite books growing up.

A Company of Swans by Eva Ibbotson – Set in 1912 England, a sheltered young woman finds solace in her ballet troupe and stows away with them to the Amazon to dance in Swan Lake, unaware that she is being pursued by those who wish to control her.

Happy #NationalBookLoversDay!

What are you favorite books? How did they come into your life?

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