Week 1 of #CampNaNoWriMo

The first week of Camp NaNoWriMo has come and gone, and I am confident in the progress I’ve made. My Camp project is finishing the verse novel I started earlier this year. I set my goal at 60 pages, representing 60 poems. By the end of the week I had written 42 poems/pages.

It helped that my verse novel is about mermaids and I spent the first weekend of July on the beach. Immersing myself in the salty water put me in the right mind for writing from a mermaid’s perspective. Chlorinated pool water can only help so much. 

This project focuses on part 3 of my three-part verse novel. This part focuses more on romance and a decision that will impact all involved characters.

I call Week 1 a success that I haven’t seen in my personal Camp NaNo projects in a long time. I was too distracted for the past few sessions to actually finish anything I started, so this is a Big Deal™. I feel like I’m back into a groove I haven’t been in in a while. By the end of the month, I hope to have a complete first draft that is ready for beta reading before I explore publishing options. (Please note that beta readers have already been chosen.)

Whether you’ve written a few words, a few pages, or surpassed your daily word goal already, you can do it! We can finish this.

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